Apply for the VPH2014 Travel Award

This year, the VPH Institute has established 5 Travel Awards of 400 € (tot. of 2.000 €) with the purpose of allowing young researchers to participate at the VPH2014 conference. If you have an accepted paper (either oral or poster), check the eligibility criteria and see whether you can apply for the bursary. The application deadline is July 22nd.

The VPH Institute is happy to announce that this year 5 Travel Awards of €400 have been made available to allow young researchers (with priority to researchers from countries with low income) to participate to the VPH2014 conference and present their research achievements.

The Award Committee that have the responsibility to assign the bursary is composed by:

a)  The VPH Institute Executive Director: Prof Marco Viceconti (University of Sheffield)

b)  The VPH2014 Conference Chair: Prof Stig W. Omholt (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

c)  External member: Prof Liesbet Geris (University of Liège)

A crucial role in the selection process will be played by the financial need of the applicant, which shall be clearly spelt out in the application.  Other decisive factors will be the CV of the applicant and the relevance of the research subject of the accepted abstract for the VPH research community at large.

Applications will be accepted until July 22nd, 2014. 

Full details on the eligibility criteria, the application procedure and the selection process are available at this link:

By the end of July, applicants will be informed about the winners by email, as well as by an announcement on the Conference website.

The award presentation will take place during the Closing Ceremony of the Conference or the Banquet according to a protocol decided by the Conference organizers. At the Ceremony winners will receive a certificate and an amount of 400 € (provided via bank transfer by the VPH Institute), which are expected to be used for travel, accommodation and living expenses during the VPH2014 conference. 

Date: 08/07/2014 | Tag: | News: 272 of 1651
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