The VPH Tianhe-2 Challenge: Vote for the Code

We are at the final stage of the consultation: thanks to the contribution of our experts we have identified 21 codes, which could be ported to the Tianhe-2 HPC platform, the current fastest supercomputer in the world. We now need your help to select the winner!

The VPH Institute has agreed with the National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou (NSCC-Guangzhou) - China, to launch a grand challenge to the VPH community worldwide. The scope of this challenge is to identify a limited set of codes that if ported to the Tianhe-2 HPC platform would in principle allow breakthroughs in computational biomedicine.

The codes we aim to identify need to have some potentials:

- from one side, they should be of interest for a significant number of VPH researchers worldwide

- from the other side, they should enable the solution of problems that otherwise would be difficult (or impossible) to solve with more conventional computers because of their excessive solution time.

If the VPH community will be able to find codes that respond to these requirements, the Guangzhou team will invest some of their experts’ time to port them to the Tianhe-2 HPC platform, in collaboration with the code developers. 

Running VPH codes in the World fastest supercomputer will certainly bring a great value not only to our research community, but also to computational biomedicine at large. More information here:

We are at the final stage of the consultation. Thanks to the contribution of our experts we have already identified 21 codes, which could be potentially presented to NSCC-Guangzhou for the porting. We now need your help to select the winner: from the list below choose the code/codes you believe to be more suitable to run into the Tianhe-2 HPC platform.

General rules:

  • One person - one vote
  • You can select more than one code
  • You are welcome to circulate the poll to your colleagues

Here the link to the consultation:

DEADLINE: August 18th, 2014

May the best team win!



Date: 07/07/2014 | Tag: | News: 271 of 1619
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