VPH2012 Conference - Extension of deadline for abstract submission

Due to numerous requests for an extension of the deadline for the call for abstracts the VPH2012 organizing committee decided to extend the deadline to 18th March 2012. If you still have not done it, the VPH Institute invites you to give your contribute to this event, which is one of the most important for our community.

The VPH2012 organizing committee has not only decided to extend the deadline for the abstract submission, but it has also simplified the abstract submission process so that the only criteria is that the abstract submission should be no more than two A4 pages of text (~1800 words) or up to three pages including diagrams, tables and references, with the extra space devoted to these and any captions. 

We also wish to inform me that the that registration is now open, and it will be possible to register directly from the VPH-NoE website



  • Early bird registration (until 15 June 2012): €450 (students €300) 
  • After 15 June 2012: €550 (students €450)

Abstract submission

  • Deadline for abstract submission extended: 18th March 2012 (details below)
  • Authors Notifications: 31 May 2012 (plus second-round review, if required) 
  • Program notification: 15 July 2012

Meeting information

The Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence (VPH NoE) will hold the second of the series of VPH Conferences, (VPH 2012), on 18th/20th September 2012. 

VPH2012  will be an international conference on computational biomedicine, with focus on the integrative aspects of VPH.  VPH2012 aims at reaching outside of the VPH community to other relevant communities including systems biology.  The vision is to have a conference that truly encompasses all possible scales to model physio/pathology with a clear ICT focus. 

Four parallel sessions will be held on all days with talks and dedicated poster sessions. Additionally, there will be parallel workshops in  relevant areas not addressed in the main scientific tracks.  There are two types of workshops which will be held in VPH2012. Hands-on workshops have invited speakers, their aim is to give attendees a deeper knowledge and familiarity of a specific set of tools or concepts, and will have a more interactive format. Sessional workshops are those which focus on a particular theme with keynote speakers and will also have an open call for abstracts. 

The best VPH2012 papers will be published in  Interface Focus in a special themed issue on Integrative Approaches to Computational Biomedicine. The conference is now calling for abstract proposals.

Keynote Speakers

Professor Raimond Winslow 

Director, Centre for Cardiovascular Bioinformatics and Modeling

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA

Professor Salvador Moncada 

Director, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research

University College London, UK

Professor Douglas Kell

Chief Executive, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK

Professor Hiroaki Kitano

Director, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Japan

Stephen Friend

President, Sage Bionetworks, USA

VPH2012 Scientific Committee

  • Peter Coveney, University College London (Chair), UK
  • Vanessa Diaz, University College London, UK
  • Stephen Emmot, Microsoft Research Laboratory, UK 
  • Norbert Graf, University of Saarland, DE 
  • Peter Hunter, University of Auckland, NZ 
  • Paul Kellam, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK 
  • Peter Kohl, Imperial College London, UK 
  • Ferran Sanz,  Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ES 
  • Jesper Tegner, Karolinska Institutet, SE 
  • Marco Viceconti, University of Sheffield, UK

Date: 18/03/2012 | Tag: | News: 17 of 1651
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