The VPH INSTITUTE web-site is under construction.

The Institute will shortly have its web-site ready: Help us to build our new “home”!

The public web-page of the Institute is currently hosted in Biomed Town, the on-line community open to anyone that have a professional or educational interest in biomedical research & technology. 
Even though we thank Biomed Town for having given us a “house”so far, it is now time to start walking on our legs and to have our own Institute's website. 
We are currently working on it and we plan to have it ready in few weeks. In the meantime we really would like every VPH institute members to give us their contribute.
...Send us nice images, photos, and any graphic material representative of the VPH field. Our members' support will be extremely precious to build together a strong institute identity!
...Send us information, interesting news and details of events you wish to give visibility to. We are very interested to know what you are doing and to inform the community of everything is new.

For any suggestions or ideas, drop us an email

Date: 20/05/2013 | Tag: | News: 16 of 1643
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