IMAG Top Model Video Competition

The Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group (IMAG) driven by Grace Peng has recently held a Top Model Video Competition to engage undergraduate students in the field and share examples of how computational modeling can impact human health.

At the 2019 MSM Consortium meeting, four videos were selected to showcase the impact of modelling and simulation tools for human health:

Interventions to Reduce the Incidence of Childhood Obesity First Place

Modeling the obesity epidemic. Researchers from the Johns Hopkins University develop multiscale models to identify interventions to reduce the incidence of childhood obesity.

Multiscale Modeling of Infection Second Place

Modeling macrophage heterogeneity in Salmonella infection. Researchers at the Allen Discovery Center at Stanford University in Collaboration with the University of Virginia study salmonella infections and identify ways to combat antibiotic resistance using multiscale modeling.

Silk Integrated Theory Theory Experiment Project Third Place

Modeling the silk integrative theory experiment project. A research team from Tufts University and the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) use multiscale modeling to design novel biomaterials for tissue engineering and drug delivery.

Multiscale Modeling in Sickle Cell Disease Fourth Place

A research team led by Dr. Karniadakis at Brown University uses multiscale modeling to study how sickle cell disease causes tissue and organ damage. 

More information can be found here

Date: 07/05/2019 | Tag: | News: 950 of 1651
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