EC launched the AI-ROBOTICS vs COVID-19 initiative

On 25 March 2020, the European Commission launched the initiative AI-ROBOTICS vs COVID-19 with the aim to collect ideas about deployable artificial intelligence and robotic solutions as well as information on other initiatives that could help face the ongoing COVID-19 crisis

This is the first information collection launched by the Commission where stakeholders are invited to provide their input on solutions and ideas deployable immediately or within weeks to face the current healthcare crisis.

The initiative aims to create repositories that are easily accessible to all citizens, stakeholders and policymakers. Stakeholders are invited to submit input to the Commission through 3 different ways:

  1. By suggesting an AI or robotic solution that have been developed and that can be deployed either immediately or in the short to mid-term in the context of disease prevention, diagnosis or treatment. 
  2. By providing information on an AI & robotics initiative launched by individuals or stakeholders, involving a community and other stakeholders in a discussion on the role that technology and AI could play during the current healthcare crisis.
  3. By suggesting ideas and exchange relevant information (including other initiatives) with the European AI Alliance through the publicly accessible forum dedicated to the discussion of ideas and exchange of information.

By launching this initiative, the Commission aims at creating two repositories, one on AI and the second on robotics in health, publicly accessible. The Commission believes that these repositories will be an additional resource part of the common European response to the outbreak of COVID-19 as this will allow the sharing of information to boost the potential of suggested solutions at an EU level.

Full information can be found here

Date: 06/04/2020 | Tag: | News: 1069 of 1619
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