

  • EUDAT: Toward a Pan-European Collaborative Data Infrastructure

    EUDAT is a project that will deliver a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) with the capacity and capability for meeting future researchers’ needs in a sustainable way. This is a timely and important project, as we face the challenges of massive expansion in the volume of data being generated and preserved and in the complexity of that data and the systems required to provide access to it.
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  • Adriano Henney on Personalised Medicine

    Interviewed at the COST conference on Personalised Medicine, Adriano Henney comments on the relationship between physiology and in silico biology. He also discusses drug safety issues related to in silico methods.
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  • A Reinforced European Research Area (ERA) Partnership for Excellence and Growth

    On 17 July 2012, the European Commission published a Communication on “A Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth”. The Commission seeks to reduce the brain drain and the wide regional differences in research and innovation performance, aiming at excellence across the EU through smart specialisation.
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  • Horizon 2020 to boost open access publishing

    On 17 July 2012, the European Commission announced its plans to make open access to scientific publications a general principle of Horizon 2020.
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  • European Commission seeks experts on eHealth, health information systems and patient registers

    On 5 July 2012, the European Commission adopted a Decision to set up a “multisectoral and independent expert panel to provide advice on effective ways of investing in health”. This panel will consist of 17 Members who are to respond to an open call for applications and will be appointed for a period of 3 years.
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  • Commission Consultation on plans for a public-private partnership in life sciences research and innovation

    The Commission has launched an open consultation on plans for a public-private partnership in life sciences research and innovation under Horizon 2020.
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