Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Twins in Biomedical Sciences - A Workshop

When: 30/01/2023 - 30/01/2023
Where: Online
Speakers and participants discussed the definition of a digital twin within the context of biomedical research and identify current methods for their development and use.

The digital twin is an emerging technology that builds on the convergence of computer science, mathematics, and the life sciences. Digital twins have the potential to open up new capabilities across biomedical research, with applications ranging from personalised medicine to pharmaceutical development to clinical trials.

The National Academies organised a workshop on the use of digital twins for biomedical research on Monday, January 30, 2023

Workshop panels addressed digital twins across different scales, including digital twins at the cellular, organ, whole human, and population levels. Panelists discussed key technical challenges and opportunities for scalable digital twins, such as uncertainty quantification, data visualization, and privacy and ethics considerations. The workshop also explored connections to fields outside the biomedical domain.

More info and recordings HERE

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