NC3Rs Workshop

When: 14/09/2016 - 15/09/2016
Where: London (U.K.)
Accelerating the acceptance of mathematical models as evidence in safety and efficacy decision making

The NC3Rs and the international Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) are hosting a workshop to accelerate the acceptance of evidence provided from mathematical models to improve the predictivity of efficacy and safety testing for drugs and chemicals.


Bringing together scientists from across sectors and disciplines, the meeting will:

  • Highlight capabilities and opportunities in mathematical modelling in the biosciences through poster and oral presentations;
  • Present challenges faced by the biosciences community that could benefit from mathematics being applied to them;
  • Connect life scientists with mathematicians to encourage collaboration in model development;
  • Define a future landscape for supporting the acceptance of mathematical modelling in safety and efficacy decision making.

Who should attend

  • Mathematicians/statisticians keen to explore application of their expertise to support the biosciences in accepting mathematically-derived data;
  • Bioscientists already applying mathematical modelling and those with an interest to do so;
  • Senior management and regulators responsible for making decisions within their organisations.

Attendance is free but advanced registration is essential. Registration closes on 5 September 2016. For up to date programme information and to register visit the NC3Rs website

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