VPHi opens the call for bids for VPH2018

The call for bids to host the VPH2018 conference is now open. Interested organisations should submit their proposal by February 15th, 2016.

The Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) international conference is a conference series held biennially on even years, whose objective is to provide a forum for the discussion and the dissemination of the broad field of in silico medicine. The conference is intended also as an opportunity for researchers from all over the world to establish collaborations regardless of geopolitical barriers, identifying areas of cooperation, and promoting the development of partnerships for new research and educational initiatives in the area of in silico medicine.

The issues organised so far are:

  • VPH2010 – Brussels
  • VPH2012 – London
  • VPH2014 – Trondheim (Norway)

The forthcoming VPH2016 will take place in Amsterdam on 26-28 Sept 2016.

Each conference is independently organised by a local organising institution selected through a public bid by the Board of Directors of the VPH Institute. The organising institution takes full responsibility of all the overall management of the event, while the VPH Institute ensures that the scientific and organisation standards of the conference are respected.

  • September 2015: Official opening of the call for bid
  • 15 February 2016: Closure of the call. Within this date, bidders must submit to Mrs Martina Contin, VPH Institute Manager, a written proposal with all the requested information. Proposal must be submitted by e-mail to <manager@vph-institute.org> and receipt will be acknowledged soon thereafter.
  • 29 February 2016: Eventual requests for supplemental information will be made to the bidders no later than this date.
  • 15 March 2016: all the supplemental information shall be supplied within this deadline, again by e-mailing them to the VPH Institute manager.
  • April 2016: The winning bid for VPH 2016 will be selected at the VPH Institute Board of Directors. Bidders will be informed on the results of the selection soon after.

Here you can find the full text of the call, which specifies all the mandatory requirements and the information that must be submitted to participate. The document also includes the evaluation criteria, which will be used in the selection process.

More information on VPH2016 can be found on: http://vph-conference.org/

Date: 01/10/2015 | Tag: | News: 407 of 1651
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