VPH Institute: Call for supporting members

Each member of the VPH Institute is welcome to express their interest to become supporting member for the YR 2012/2013. The dead-line expires on April 22nd, 2012.

The VPH Institute is a no-profit organisation that absolves not only a representation function, but also executive duties.  Thus, our statute recognises two types of membership, and ordinary one, and a supporting membership. The representatives of the supporting member organisations, in recognition of their greater commitment in the Institute, are eligible to the Board of Directors, our executive organ.

To become supporting member, a member institution can: 

  • Pay a supporting membership fee of at least 9,000.00 per year;
  • Contribute for the same amount "in kind" by ensuring that the VPH Institute is sub-contracted of communication and organisation activities in relation to community building and/or policy affairs.

Each member institution which wish to become a supporting member is requested to send a letter of commitment to the Institute Manager by April 22nd. If you wish to have more information please contact Martina Contin atmanager@vph-institute.org.

For more information,please see the current list ofsupporting members.

Date: 22/04/2012 | Tag: | News: 23 of 1651
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