The establishment of a third Programme for the Union's action in the field of health (2014-2020) opens new funding opportunity to VPH

Whilst in silico medicine isn't explicitly mentioned in the Regulation, this Programme could represent a potential funding opportunity for VPH and may make better use of the wealth of health data collected in each Member State.

The issues of relevance for VPH are contained within the thematic priority relating to Contributions to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems. The most pertinent points referenced include the following:

  • Funding - Most importantly for VPH the Regulation places particular emphasis on the fact that funding may be awarded to research and health institutions.
  • E-Health - The Programme aims to promote the voluntary uptake of health innovation and e-Health by increasing coordination between patient registries and other e-Health solutions. Moreover it aims to support cooperation on e-Health in the EU, in particular on registries, and its uptake by health professionals. This is of note given that enhanced input from those working on health and research could lend itself to achieving VPHs goal of having greater focus on advanced imaging technologies and computational software.
  • Health data- The further development of standardised health information and tools for monitoring the collection and analysis of health data. This could ensure advancements in personalized medicine through improving the current fragmented connection of both biological and medical data.
  • Horizon 2020 -The Programme has as one of its objectives the need to facilitate the uptake of the results streaming from research projects supported under the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013) and, in the long term, the activities which will be undertaken in the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020).
  • The adoption of this Regulation officially establishes the third European Health Programme developed by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers, commonly referred to as the “Health for Growth” Program. The Regulation contains the guidelines governing the implementation of the Program during the 2014-2020 period, including its main objectives, its budget and its funding lines.

Concerning its broad objectives, the Regulation specifies four principal goals to be attained through the prospective implementation of the Program:

  • Promote health and prevent diseases,
  • Protect citizens from cross-border health threats,
  • Enhance health systems’ capacity building
  • Facilitate citizens’ access to better healthcare.

In terms of the final budget allocated to the Program’s implementation, the recently adopted Regulation sets the financial package for the 2014-2020 period in €449,334 million.  When providing the main guidelines on how the funds will be assigned, the Regulation specifies that funding could take the form of grants or public procurement. Developing that specific issue, the Regulation establishes that grants will be awarded for pertinent projects co-financed by the competent Member-State’s health authorities or by relevant public bodies, NGOs or private bodies, being the latter exclusively understood as health institutions, research centres and universities.

The European Commission is to set the different priority actions to be undertaken and include an indicative allocation of financial resources to be provided for the realisation of the aforementioned actions. The Member States will also have their part in the implementation of the plan through the designation of National Focal Points that will facilitate and promote the coordination of initiatives in line with the Program’s objectives.  

The full Regulation can be accessed here.

Date: 08/05/2014 | Tag: | News: 252 of 1651
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