Postdoctoral position on Computational modeling of limb development at KU Leuven

Application deadline 27 March 2020

KU Leuven offers a postdoc temporary contract on computational modeling of limb development, 

Fascination with pattern formation in living organisms is millennia old. One of the biological models to investigate this process is the developing limb. Our understanding of limb development has progressed greatly over the last half century. However, the intricate interactions between biochemical (e.g. genes, proteins) and biophysical (e.g. cell-cell interactions) factors become too complex to be understood without the help of computational modeling. 

In a recently awarded, 4-year research proposal, MatheMorphosis, KU Leuven aims to follow an integrative approach to study the biophysical and biochemical regulation of limb development. They will continue the development of a multiscale multiphysics agent-based model of the early stages of limb development, exploring various ways to optimize, validate and question the model and its predictions. This will be combined with a strong experimental research track based on the recombinant limb technique in the chick

For the in silico track of this project, KU Leuven searches a candidate for a postdoc position with a background in systems biology and/or computational modeling of biological systems. The postdoc will design and improve a dynamic agent-based simulation of the early limb development, especially focusing on the coupling of the cell-level with the intra-cellular signaling part. The postdoc will perform simulations and compare its results with experimental data, generated by the other researchers of the project.

The candidate has a PhD or equivalent doctoral degree in either (bio)physics / mathematics or mechanical engineering with a strong interest in systems biology or a degree in systems biology/quantitative biology with a strong interest in the mechanical description of cellular interactions. 

The candidate must have proven experience in (mechanical) modeling. Knowledge of Python and C++  programming is a definite plus as these are the languages used in the computational platform of the MatheMorphosis project.. Familiarity with agent-based modeling techniques is desirable.

If you are interested to apply full information can be found here

Date: 19/03/2020 | Tag: | News: 1067 of 1651
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