Our VPHi Executive Director, Prof Liesbet Geris, wins one of five AstraZeneca Awards 2021

The award is given for her research into the development of new in silico strategies, using numerical models, in the field of tissue engineering. Sincere congratulations from the in silico community!

Each year, the Astra Zeneca Foundation supports the research of several researchers in the life sciences. This year, the disciplines honored are rare diseases, telemedicine in the treatment of respiratory problems, oncology and children's mental health. Our director, Liesbet Geris was awarded in the category "New strategies in regenerative medicine" for her work on in silico tissue engineering.

β€œI am very lucky to lead an international and interdisciplinary team of incredibly talented people, working on the development of in silico tools for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Together with our scientific, industrial and clinical collaborators, we focus our tools mostly on the development of living implants for bone and cartilage.” she explains. β€œOur in silico tools cover a wide range of modeling technologies, from artificial intelligence and bioinformatics, over systems biology to multiscale and multiphysics models. Our models help to better understand cell signaling, optimize cell culture processes, develop novel biomaterials and scaffold designs, and gain insight into the response of the body on the implantation of living implants.”

When asked about the impact of this award, Liesbet answered: β€œIn silico tools in the context of regenerative medicine are still somewhat β€˜the new kid on the block’. Receiving a prestigious award such as this one is not only a great recognition of the work we are doing, it also provides additional visibility to our budding field. Hence, the award will not only provide a stimulus to the continuation of our own work but on a broader scale it is also an important boost to realizing the full potential of in silico regenerative medicine in general.”

Date: 23/05/2022 | Tag: | News: 1324 of 1651
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