DISCIPULUS: Capturing Key Moments of the Second Consultation Meeting

Of course the roadmap would not have been possible without your invaluable contribution to the recent Second Consultation Meeting. Your thoughts and ideas on the scientific and technical challenges that needed to be overcome in other to realise the Digital Patient made the event, truly energetic and engaging!

We captured a significant amount of this activity on camera and as some of you might be aware, we are currently writing a newsletter special that aims to report the meeting.  The special will be completed in late February and sent to everyone that attended the meeting, although those that did not attend would be able to download a copy from our website (www.digital-patient.net).  There is also a VPH institute online version of our newsletter, on which we have already published a truncated version of the first half of that meeting; you can read this at http://vph-institute.org/news/discipulus-how-were-these-topics-discussed-on-the-day

A truncated version of the second half of the meeting will also appear on the VPH institute website.  Extended versions of both the first and second halves of the meeting will appear in the special edition newsletter.



Date: 23/05/2013 | Tag: | News: 119 of 1651
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