Concept of "Virtual Physiological Human" in the eHealth Action Plan Amendments

The VPH Institute raises support for in silico medicine thanks to the collaboration of the Romanian Parliamentarian, Mr.Tănăsescu, who tabled two important amendments to the Report on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020.

Two amendments to the European Parliament’s own-initiative Report on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 2013/2061(INI), published on the 30 October 2013, refer to the concept of "Virtual Physiological Human", both having been tabled by Mr. Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D, Romania):

  1. Amendment 25: Whereas successful initiatives in e-Health projects and initiatives as epSOS "Virtual Physiological Human" showed a high value of e-Health solutions¨
  2. Amendment 92: ¨The Commission encourages Member States to continue to work on pilot projects and project as epSOS and / or the initiative "Virtual Physiological Human", to achieve interoperability at European level and to continue to support innovative care solutions people-oriented, including modelling advanced simulations needed to achieve a predictive personalised medicine¨
Mr.Tănăsescu is shadow rapporteur of this report and as such, is responsible for forming the position of the 2nd largest group in the European Parliament.

The Policy Affairs Working Group (PAWG) would like to thank Mr. Tănăsescu for his support for VPH and for recognising the benefits of eHealth solutions towards tackling the multi-faceted health problems with which the EU is currently faced.

The amendments will be voted in the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) on the 27 November 2013, prior to the plenary vote on the 13 January 2013 (provisional date).

The amendments tabled are available here.

Date: 11/11/2013 | Tag: | News: 194 of 1619
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