What is the VPHi Student Committee?

Find out more about the VPHi student committee. A new call for participation will be open soon!

The VPHi student committee is a group of active VPHi members, which aims to:

  • promote the VPHi as a community and the career development of the young scientists of this community
  • highlight excellence within the VPHi and provide student members with a label of quality though different types of recognition and awards
  • favour scientific interactions between junior and senior community members and across the VPHi disciplines
  • favour collaborations and mentoring activities among VPHi students
  • favour the mobility of the student members within the VPHi community

The student committee takes care of a number of very important initiatives, such as:

  VPHi Keynote webinar series:

A series of on line seminars that features high profile members of the VPH community. This quarterly event provides a forum for access to senior community members and their expert competence. Young scientists are the primary audience targeted, but the VPHi keynote webinars are open to the VPH community as a whole. Each webinar is organised by a member of the student committee, who will manage the speaker contribution and eventually moderate the event. Webinar topics are decided on the suggestions coming from the student committee members.

  VPHi Summer School:

An yearly event that takes place in Barcelona in collaboration with Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The Summer School provides a thorough overview and hands-on experience in state-of-the-art VPH research. The key concepts of this methodological and technological framework are presented using illustrative cases and enriched with hands-on analysis under supervision of the experts. The aim is to develop skills inside and outside academia that respond to public and private needs. This event is organised in collaboration with the senior chair of the student committee and foresees the contribution of the VPHi student members for what concerns the definition of the list of speakers, the activities to organise, and the dissemination. 


o  Mentoring events: These events are designed to enhance the learning experience for PhD students. They are a special opportunity for trainees to meet and network with senior members of the community and receive career advice and insights. They are normally organised in connection to the VPH conference, which takes place every two years.

o  Student events: These events are organised by the student committee directly with the goal of creating stronger links between the VPHi student members.


The student committee takes care of producing and circulating a flow of information of interest for the student membership of the institute, such as job and exchange opportunities, awards and competitions, internship programmes and similar.

Interested to contribute? A call for participation will open soon, but you can already send your expression of interest to: manager@vph-institute.org

Date: 07/08/2017 | Tag: | News: 645 of 1651
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