VPHi offers communication services for VPH related projects

The VPH Institute is open to the participation to in silico medicine related EC calls for projects offering dissemination and community engagement services. Contact us for further information.

Our vision is to ensure that the Virtual Physiological Human is fully realised, universally adopted, and effectively used both in research and clinic. Since our incorporation back in May 2011, the Institute has been constantly growing and has developed a number of assets that it is now making available to VPH related project consortia.


1. A community:

  • We are an established organisation that represents the interest of over 70 academic institutions and research groups world-wide, focused on the development of in silico medicine through the application of VPH technologies. 
  • We act as a catalyst bringing together a variety of different stakeholders, such as policy makers, science funding bodies, regulatory agencies, clinical organisations and industry
  • We have established connections with sister initiatives and other relevant organisations, such as: IUPS (we are associated members), CAAT, EMA (European Medical Association – we are associated members), JRC, FDA, CompBioMed, the System Medicine community (etc…)
  • We are full members of the Avicenna Alliance and we have a daily working relationship with major industry involved in in silico medicine research (J&J, Medtronic, Ansys…).

2. Communication channels:

  • The VPHi is the owner of the VPH conference brand. This biannual event has been running since 2010, and over the years has been growing its importance and outreach potential. The last conference was organized in Amsterdam last Sept and saw the participation of 300 delegates from all over the world, from both academia and industry. The upcoming conference VPH2020 will take place in Paris on 26 - 28 Aug 2020 More information can be found here:http://vph-conference.org/
  • A monthly e-newsletter which reaches 6.000 unique contacts related to in silico medicine world
  • A webinar series, organized since 2016 by the VPHi student committee that features prestigious keynote speakers on specific research topics related to in silico medicine.
  • Social network presence: Linkedln, Twitter, YouTube
  • An established institutional website

3. Policy making:

  • Since its establishment, the VPHi has been working on establishing strong relationship with both the EU Parliament and the European Commission: we now have an open dialogue with both these important governing bodies. Specifically, the VPHi has been supporting the EC in specific issues related to the definition of funding opportunities for in silico medicine, and has been involved in policy making issues, such as the Data Protection Regulation.
  • The VPHi has a seat in the eHeath stakeholder group, a selected group of 30 Institutions that contribute to the development of legislation and policy related to eHealth.
  • The VPHi leads a Research & Technology Working Group composed by both industry and academic members focused on promoting in silico medicine in EU research policy and providing technical/detailed scientific inputs into policy documents.
  • The VPHi has established contacts with the FDA and EMA (European Medicine Agency)


So far we have delivered a number of tangible outputs, such as:

1. Roadmaps:

2. White papers:


The VPHi will make available its assets to EC project proposals, taking care of dissemination activities and community engagement/building exercises.

1. Dissemination:

a) Production and distribution of the communication material through all its channels:

  • News items and events, press releases, brochures etc.
  • Monthly e-newsletter
  • Printed newsletter on regular bases (i.e. every 6 months)
  • Project videos

b) Organisation of online webinars on project topics

2. Community engagement and outreach:

a) A number of important stakeholders are involved in the in silico medicine world:

  • Clinical community (the actual end- user of VPH technologies)
  • Industry (the producers of products that are based on VPH technologies)
  • Institutional community (funding bodies, regulators…), who regulates and shapes the future of VPH research
  • Patient organisations (who represents the patients that could (or already) benefit from the use and application of VPH technologies)

b) An ad hoc contact programme could be created for each (or selected) categories to increase awareness on VPH technologies in general and the project’s technology in particular, and increase the chances these technologies will be adopted as widely as possible. This will be done through the organisation of workshops and specific events:

  • training
  • informative events
  • networking events
  • discussion forum…

c) As an outcome VPHi shall be able to create an advisory board that assists the project in the exploitation of its research results.

If you are interested to get more information please contact us by sending an email to: manager@vph-institute.org

Date: 05/04/2018 | Tag: | News: 771 of 1651
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