VPH at ICT2013

Over 5000 delegates and 200 exhibitors attended ICT 2013, making it one of Europe's largest ICT research and innovation events of the last few years. VPH was there to represent the community hosting both an informative booth and a networking session on in silico medicine.

ICT2013 brought together lead thinkers and people driving European ICT research and innovation, but also investors, high-ranking EC and EP officials, ministers and PMs from EU member countries, students and journalists.

At ICT2013, the VPH Institute hosted an informative booth that showcased the main achievements reached  by the different VPH projects since the beginning of this initiative. Also in collaboration with the support action Discipulus, it was distributed the Digital Patient roadmap, a document written by over 250 VPH experts that analyzes the barriers and the challenges that we need to overcome in order to make the Digital Patient a reality. The latest version of the roadmap is available at this link to be downloaded.

At the conference the VPH Institute led one of the e-Health networking sessions on “In silico medicine” where it was presented a common statement on the importance of the in silico medicine research as best chance to overcome the grand challenge that the provision of universal care to an ageing population is posing to the European Union.

This statement was supported by the five support actions funded by the European Commission in the domain of in silico medicine Discipulus, INBIOMEDvision, PHS Foresight, CaSyM, and Avicenna, as well as the IMI-eTRIKS Consortium.

The very well attended networking session confirmed the interest of a very large audience on the in silico medicine topic and was the occasion to voice a lot of comments and positive reactions from the community.

We take the chance to thank all the people that stopped by our booth or participated to the session! It was really great to see you there!



Date: 15/11/2013 | Tag: | News: 201 of 1651
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