The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking in action: the first steps to acquiring world-class supercomputers

On 15 February, the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) launched its first Calls for Expression of Interest to select the sites that will host its first supercomputers Joint Undertaking by the end of 2020.

Two calls are now open for hosting entities regarding:

  • petascale supercomputers - capable of at least 1015 operations per second, or 1 Petaflop; and
  • exascale supercomputers - performance level higher than 1000 Petaflop.

The EuroHPC JU aims to acquire by 2022-2023 exascale supercomputers, capable of 1018operations per second, with at least one based on European HPC technology.

The EuroHPC JU’s financial contribution for the acquisition of petascale and exascale supercomputers will be, respectively, up to €30 million and €250 million. The hosting entities and their supporting countries will cover the remaining costs.

Next steps

The Call for Expression of Interest for the selection of hosting entities for precursors to exascale supercomputers will close on 4 April; whereas the one for the selection of hosting entities for petascale supercomputers will close on 15 April.


The EuroHPC Declaration has been launched on 23 March 2017 by different European Members States who agreed to build a world-class HPC infrastructure that would rank among the world’s top by 2022-2023.

More specifically, by signing the declaration, the countries marked their intention to join the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking that will pool European resources to develop top-of-the-range exascale supercomputers for processing big data. To support this effort, €1 billion will be invested by the European Commission and Member States in building world-class supercomputers infrastructure by 2020. Private contributions will also add in to this public funding. This will drive the development of scientific, public sector and industrial applications in many areas, including personalised medicine, bio-engineering and discovering new materials and medicines.

Date: 08/03/2019 | Tag: | News: 919 of 1619
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