Statement of the European Research Council on the next Research & Innovation Programme (FP9)

On 15 May 2017, the European Research Council (ERC) released a statement setting out its vision on the ERC’s place in the next Framework Programme.

The statement brings forward the successes that the previous framework programs have achieved, and that the next Framework Programme (FP9) should build on these. It highlights three specific points for the future of ERC:

  1. Continuity, the ERC calls on the European institutions to retain the legal provisions guaranteeing the autonomy of the ERC.
  2. Agility, the ERC must have the freedom, and the means, to continue to innovate and adapt its scientific strategy and the dedicated administrative structure to implement it.
  3. Scale-up, to achieve the structural impact originally envisaged, the ERC needs a broader reach in terms of the number of Principal Investigators accessing its funding. An increased budget should be seen as part of a broader effort to boost support to policy areas of high EU added value in the next Multiannual Financial Framework.


The current EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, of which the European Research Council (ERC) is a prominent part, will run until the end of 2020. The European Commission will therefore soon start elaborating a proposal for the next Framework Programme.

Find the link to the statement here.

Date: 05/06/2017 | Tag: | News: 601 of 1651
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