Revised version of Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe

The European Commission published the revised version of Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.

In its revised orientation paper, the Commission maintains that new key R&I orientations under the health cluster will support activities aiming at: "New data-driven approaches, computer models and -simulations and other digital solutions are developed, translated and optimised for the prevention, health care and person-centred care, including smart data infrastructures and AI-based data analytics."

Moreover, among the five co-funded European Partnerships that are proposed for the first four years of Horizon Europe under Cluster Health, we note that the Commission is planning to fund a partnership on ‘Personalised Medicine’ as of 2023.
This revised version is the result of the process of co-design that took place over the summer and autumn 2019 through:  

  • a web-based consultation (open to the whole world) that collected 6,806 answers between 28 June 2019 and 4 October 2019;
  • meetings and exchanges between the Commission’s services and almost 4,000 stakeholders during the European Research and Innovation Days (24-26 September 2019).

A specific report on the web-based consultation and on the European Research and Innovation Days was also published and mentions the following under the section on "Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society":
“In order to reinforce impact, Research and Innovation should cover technologies that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological (Hybrid Health Technologies). A stronger use of the personalised medicine approach was advocated, as well as an improved and careful use of health data and attention to cybersecurity issues, modelling (of humans, organs); Social care and support solutions for disabilities, substances of human origin (SoHOs), first in-man clinical trials.”

Date: 04/12/2019 | Tag: | News: 1022 of 1651
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