Report on strategies across Europe to assess quality of care

The expert group on Health Systems Performance Assessment (HSPA) published its first report on 29 April 2016: "So What? Strategies across Europe to assess quality of care".

The HSPA is composed of European countries health authorities and international organisations, and co-chaired by Sweden and the Commission, and aims at providing participating countries with a forum to exchange experience at national level. Assessing the performance of health systems is useful to properly understand how they work, and therefore to carry out actions to improve them. 

This report is based on the exchange of experiences and knowledge among countries and with international organisations between 2014 and 2015. 

Aim: providing useful recommendations for policy makers who want to design, set up, run and evaluate a system to assess quality of care.

More information can be found here:

Date: 04/05/2016 | Tag: | News: 470 of 1643
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