Public consultation on Preliminary Opinion on the need for non-human primates in biomedical research, production and testing of products and devices

Interested parties are invited to submit comments about relevant scientific evidence online between 10 February and 26 March 2017.

The European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) have launched a public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion ‘The need for non-human primates in biomedical research, production and testing of products and devices’ open as of 10 February 2017.

  • The opinion in question deals exclusively with scientific risk assessment aspects and was prepared by an independent Scientific Committee. The objective of the consultation is to provide specific comments and suggestions on the scientific basis of this particular opinion, as well as any other relevant scientific information regarding the questions addressed, in order to allow the Scientific Committees (SCCS, SCHEER) to focus on areas where it still has to refine its analysis.
  • In addition to the public consultation, a public hearing on the SCHEER preliminary Opinion will be organised in Luxembourg on 14 March 2017.


SHEER on request of Commission services, provides Opinions on questions concerning health, environmental and emerging risks. The Committees address questions on:

  • health and environmental risks related to pollutants in the environmental media and other biological and physical factors in relation to air quality, water, waste and soils.
  • complex or multidisciplinary issues requiring a comprehensive assessment of risks to consumer safety or public health, for example antimicrobial resistance, nanotechnologies, medical devices and physical hazards such as noise and electromagnetic fields.

On the Commission's request, the SCHEER has reviewed recent evidence to update the 2009 Opinion on the need for non-human primates in biomedical research. The Opinion concludes that the current state of knowledge does not permit to propose a timetable for phasing-out the use of non-human primates in Europe and provides recommendations on how to advance 3Rs for NHP use, such as alternative methods, training, improvement of techniques and protocols, sharing of knowledge, removal of barriers and research needs.

This Opinion responds to six main issues in the mandate and highlights the many scientific approaches that could significantly contribute to the replacement, reduction and refinement of NHP studies and tests. However, there are significant issues that go beyond scientific rationale that prevent widespread adoption and development of alternatives for NHP laboratory use and these are discussed with suggestions of the opportunities to overcome them. Lastly, the SCHEER provides recommendations on how to advance 3Rs for NHP use, specifically on training, improvement of techniques and protocols, sharing of knowledge, removal of barriers and research needs.

More information on the public consultation can be found here

Date: 14/03/2017 | Tag: | News: 570 of 1651
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