Proceeding on the 6th IARWISOC published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library

The Proceedings of the 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on In Silico Oncology and …

The Proceedings of the 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on In Silico Oncology and Cancer Investigation – The CHIC Project Workshop (6th IARWISOCI) have now also been published - following the standard IEEE review - in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The 6th IARWISOCI workshop took place in Athens on November 3-4, 2014. For more information on the workshop, please click here.

Since except for the editorial, the abstracts and some additional front matter, downloading of any paper requires either a special subscription to IEEE or electronic payment, interested readers might prefer to cite any paper through its IEEE Xplore publication and at the same time read and disseminate it for free via its open access publication which is available via the workshop website:

CHIC coordinator, Prof Georgios Stamatakos, would like to specially thank all contributors and workshop participants for this comprehensive IEEE publication outcome, which particularly emphasizes the importance of the emergent disciplines of in silico oncology and in silico medicine.

More information can be found on the project website.

Date: 31/03/2015 | Tag: | News: 368 of 1651
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