Positioning In Silico Medicine as a computationally-intensive science

In this blogpost, Prof Marco Viceconti calls to arms the in silico medicine community with respect to the scalability grand challenge and its HPC needs.

".... In the last few months I followed with growing interest the recent developments of computational sciences, and I felt compelled to raise a warning, which becomes a call for engagement to the entire In Silico Medicine community.

At risk of oversimplifying, with the launch of the EuroHPC initiative the European Commission has made a clear move toward two directions: exascale computing (development and effective use of new computer systems capable of 10^18 floating point operations per second) and quantum computing (use of quantum phenomena to perform computation). 

Because of the strategic nature of this initiative, all computational sciences are slowly being divided into those that are considered computationally-intensive, and those that are not: to the first will be asked to contribute to the definition of the specifications of these new exascale and quantum computing system (codesign); as part of this they most likely will receive dedicated funding, directly of by earmarking funding for solutions that exploit high performance computing (HPC), as we already saw in some Covid-related call in H2020.  I am less familiar with the other regions of the world, but my impression is that the political agenda around the strategic value of HPC is the same in USA, China, Japan, India, etc.  Thus, I dare to say that probably the same trend is being observed everywhere..."

Read the full post here

Date: 15/01/2021 | Tag: | News: 1153 of 1619
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