InSilic workshop recording

On March 5th 2021, the InSilc project hosted a workshop on In Silico Clinical Trials Concepts and Adoption. A full recording of the event is now available.

This workshop provided an overview of several In Silico Clinical Trial projects, including keynote presentations from several leaders in the field providing academic, clinical, industrial and regulatory perspectives.

A full recording of the event is available here, as well as an overview of the InSilc project presented by Georgia Karinasou from the coordinating partner, FORTH, Greece

The aim of InSilc: In silico trials for drug-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) development and evaluation is to develop an in-silico clinical trial (ISCT) platform for designing, developing and assessing drug-eluting BVS (bioresorbable vascular scaffolds), through building on the comprehensive biological and biomedical knowledge and advanced modelling approaches, towards simulating their implantation performance in the individual cardiovascular physiology.

You can find further information about the project here

Date: 25/03/2021 | Tag: | News: 1180 of 1643
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