Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2019: new FET activities in HPC

On 24 July, the EC adopted the revised Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2019, which now includes new calls for Future Emerging Technologies (FET) activities in High Performance Computing (HPC) and future battery technologies.

The following calls have been introduced in the latest version of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2019:

  • FETPROACT-04-2019: Community building and roadmapping for high performance and smart electrochemical energy storage’. It comprises a call for a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) opening on 26 July and closing on 6 Nov 2018, and with and indicative budget of €500,000.
  • FETHPC-03-2019: International Cooperation on HPC’ with Argentina. It comprises a call for Research and Innovation Action (RIA) with an indicative budget of €500,000. Call opening date will be published soon on the FET page in the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal.


FET activities consist of 3 lines of activities: FET Open, FET Proactive and FET Flagships. The FET Proactive initiative in HPC covers the co-design of the exascale machines integrating the European microprocessor part and addresses the development of scientific and engineering applications that will run on extreme scale HPC machines. International cooperation with Argentina, Brazil and Mexico is also foreseen.

The 2019 FET Work Programme implements several recommendations expressed in the Horizon 2020 interim evaluation as well as in the FET thematic assessment. The coherence with other parts of Horizon 2020 is strengthened, e.g. with the implementation of the HPC and Quantum strategies. Following the recommendations from the FET Flagship interim evaluation report, future FET Flagships allow for more flexibility and responsiveness through an open approach, and enhance internal coherence by greater emphasis on cooperation and sharing between the projects and with related national/regional programmes.

Should you be interested in learning more about the FET Work Programme update, more details can be found here.

Date: 10/08/2018 | Tag: | News: 823 of 1619
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