Griffith Medal 2020

The Operational Research Society awarded the Griffith Medal 2020 to a paper presented by Terry Young, Sada Soorapanth, Jim Wilkerson, Lance Millburg, Todd Roberts and David Morgareidge entitled β€œThe costs and value of modelling-based design in healthcare delivery: five case studies from the US”

The Griffith Medal is awarded in recognition of the most outstanding contribution to the philosophy, theory or practice of health systems published in the journal Health Systems within the relevant period.

The Griffith Medal 2020 was awarded to a paper which poses two questions:

  • How far along the trajectory followed by other sectors has healthcare come?
  • What progress has been made in articulating the value-for-money case?

The analysis helps redress both those problems by analysing the costs of modelling and the savings resulting from a number of healthcare management decisions that were based on simulation results.

It demonstrates that modelling can make powerful contributions to shaping the design of health care systems, improving their cost-effectiveness to an extent that can hugely outweigh the costs of the modelling.

The paper should encourage analysts to more regularly assess the impact and cost-effectiveness of their work and managers to make more use of modelling to improve health care systems.

You can read the awarded paper HERE

Date: 18/11/2021 | Tag: | News: 1248 of 1651
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