Five postdoctoral fellowships are made available in the context of an ERC

Start date: 1 Sept 2018

A postdoctoral fellowships is made available for an ERC consolidator grant on "Development and use of an integrated in silico – in vitro mesofluidics system for tissue engineering (INSITE)"

This project will bring together recent advances in in silico modeling, mesofluidics systems, online bioprocess monitoring & control and 3D printing, with the aim of creating an in vivo-like in vitro environment for the testing of tissue engineered constructs. The project will be carried out at the Biomechanics Research Unit, located at both the University of Liège (GIGA-R in silico medicine unit) and the KU Leuven (Prometheus, skeletal tissue engineering platform) in Belgium. The Biomechanics Research Unit focusses on the multi-scale and multi-physics modeling of biological processes in the context of skeletal tissue engineering, as well as on technologies that provide experimental input for these models, including bioreactor technology, metabolomics and imaging. Together with their clinical and industrial collaborators, they use models to investigate the etiology of non-healing fractures, to design in silico potential cell-based treatment strategies and to optimize manufacturing processes of these tissue engineering constructs.

Various research lines will be developed in the scope of this project

  • Modeling of regulatory networks (gene/protein/metabolism) through logical and other in silico technologies, including from omics analysis analyses.
  • Mesofluidics set-up design, modeling and development, including integration of online imaging and sensing components.
  • Modeling of early angiogenic and immunogenic response to tissue engineered construct implantation.
  • Modeling of material behavior during 3D extrusion-based bioprinting

The ideal applicants have a PhD in bio(medical) engineering, process engineering, physics, applied mathematics or biomedical sciences with specific expertise in the technologies related to the above mentioned research lines. 

Start date: September 1st 2018 and onwards. The positions will remain open until they are filled. 

Application process: send a CV including the names of 3 references to Liesbet Geris

Date: 02/05/2018 | Tag: | News: 774 of 1651
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