European Research Council Awards Starting Grants

ERC is awarding its Starting Grants to 325 early-career researchers throughout Europe.

The funding, worth in total €485 million and up to €1.5 million per grant, will allow grantees to set up their own research teams and pursue innovative ideas. The idea behind the ERC Starting Grants is to encourage young talented researchers to gain independence in Europe and build their own career. The grantees are supposed to work on a broad range of topics as for instance improving effectiveness of chemotherapy in cancer treatments. Other examples of recent research projects can be found hereThe fund covers all disciplines i.e. physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities.

The ERC Starting Grants grants are awarded independently of nationality, to researchers with two to seven years of experience since completion of the PhD and with a scientific record showing great promise, who are based in, or willing to move to Europe. The research is to be conducted in a public or private research organisation in one of the Member States of the EU or in Associated Countries. The funding will be provided over a period of up to five years (pro rata for shorter-term projects). An additional € 0.5 million can be made available to cover eligible “start-up” costs for researchers moving from a third country to the EU or an associated country and/or the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.

The evaluation of ERC grant applications is conducted by peer review panels composed of renowned scientists and scholars selected by the ERC Scientific Council. The panels may be assisted by independent experts working remotely.

Next to the Starting Grants meant for young researchers, the ERC also grants the Consolidator and Advanced Grants

The calls are published once a year and can be found here and in the ERC Work Programme 2017.



Date: 05/10/2016 | Tag: | News: 510 of 1651
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