EURACTIV Interview on Animal testing

On 25 October 2019, an interview between Euractiv and Dr. Julia Fentem, the head of Unilever’s Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre (SEAC), was published in Euractiv’s special report on “Alternatives on animal testing”.

In this interview, Ms. Fentem calls the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre to play an increased role in meeting the requests of EU citizens and industry in order to minimise mandatory animal testing in Europe. Funding shall hereby be eliminated for all mammalian studies and accumulated to fund advanced research on new approach methodologies (NAMs) as previously seen in the USA. 

The interview aims to promote the development of a legislative framework for the 3R approach by relevant EU stakeholders. It also calls EU policy makers to restructure the funding of mammalian studies to research that focuses on NAMs. 

Moreover, the interview has been published in the context were the missions and funds included within the European Union’s Horizon Europe are defined and a new European Commission constituted. As such, the stakeholder events indicated below shall be used as a platform to build alliances and increase awareness on alternatives to animal testing.

Full details and link to the video can be found here

Date: 08/11/2019 | Tag: | News: 1008 of 1651
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