EUDAT: Toward a Pan-European Collaborative Data Infrastructure

EUDAT is a project that will deliver a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) with the capacity and capability for meeting future researchersā€™ needs in a sustainable way. This is a timely and important project, as we face the challenges of massive expansion in the volume of data being generated and preserved and in the complexity of that data and the systems required to provide access to it.

EUDAT is a European initiative (part of FP7), which provides facilities and support that you may find useful and relevant for your projects:

EUDAT has four objectives:

1. Help fulfill the vision of a European Data e-infrastructure by providing a sustainable platform of technologies, tools and services driven by userneeds.

2. Engage users including individual researchers, universities, research labs, libraries, etc. i

3. Produce the common low-level services required to provide the level of interoperation and trust of data necessary to support widespread access, long-term preservation for use and re-use

4. Ensure that the data infrastructure is sufficiently robust to keep pace with the expected acceleration of the scale and complexity of scientific data

VPH, representing the biological and medical sciences, has already been allocated project resources to help specify its requirements and co-design related services. Other members include representatives from research communities in linguistics (CLARIN), earth sciences (EPOS), climate sciences (ENES), environmental sciences (LIFEWATCH). 

Notably, there are VPH projects already using EUDAT infrastructure,P-medicineandVPH SHAREbeing two examples.

For the overall benefit of the VPH, and in accordance with the current efforts towards open and accessible science, we would like to encourage colleagues to use the existing EUDAT platforms, rather than having parcels of data spread outacross numerous "ad hoc" platforms. To that aim, it may be useful to become familiar with the best ways to use infrastructures provided by EUDAT. EUDATā€™s Education & Training activity 

Training and Conferences 

There has already been a training event in June (with a focus on Policy-Rule based Data Management, Use of Handles for Persistent Identification, and Distributed Authentication and Authorization). Future training events may be added on the EUDAT website mentioned above.

A future of event of interest might be EUDAT's first conference, an international meeting which will bring together data infrastructure providers and practitioners to discuss current data infrastructure challenges and solutions, with a focus on interoperability, cross-disciplinarity and cross-border collaboration. The conference will take place on the 23rd and 24th of October in Barcelona. Training tutorials will take place on the 22nd of October.

This is the conference website:

If you wish to have further information about EUDAT and how you can become involved in its VPH User Community, please contact: 

Riam Kanso

Centre for Computational Science and Computational Life & Medical Sciences Network

University College London




Date: 21/05/2013 | Tag: | News: 62 of 1651
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