EU & Argentina: a shared vision of a digital future

On 25 October, the Mr. Roberto Viola, Director General of the European Commission’s Director-General for Communications Networks (DG CNECT), and Mr. Héctor Huici, Argentinian Secretary of State for Information Technologies and Communications, Argentina discussed further cooperation in the digital economy.

The two counterparts agreed to closer cooperation in order to exchange their best practice on issues such as online platforms, data protection, e-Government, the digitalisation of industry and other important areas of the Digital Single Market.

During the discussion, the EU highlighted how high-performance computing (HPC) is an essential contribution to ensure that the benefits of the data economy can be widely shared between researchers, academics and other stakeholders.

Interestingly the EU explained how, in the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework, the EU’s seven year budget for 2021-2027, it will boost investments in the fields of supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and advanced digital skills – both in terms of acquiring top technology infrastructure and in accelerating its uptake across the economy.

Finally, the EU has invited Argentina to the next EU - Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Digital Cooperation workshop that will take place next March in Costa Rica.


This dialogue follows the decision to launch an ICT dialogue by the EU-Argentina Joint Committee in March 2017. It precedes the EU - LAC communication (to be published next month) and the next EU-LAC Digital Cooperation workshop in March 2019 in Costa Rica.

Date: 05/11/2018 | Tag: | News: 863 of 1619
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