DISCIPULUS: The need for Clinical Scenarios

One of the main activities for the final roadmap will be to produce examples of future use of Digital Patient technologies in clinical practise.

The DISCIPULUS project’s main aim is to produce a roadmap for research into digital patient technologies.

As part of this aim, it is important to get the final vision right.This is why we are putting a lot of effort into refining some examples of how these types of technologies might be used in the clinic of the future. It helps to show the utility of the initiative, and provides realistic expectations.

The first stage in producing these scenarios began with the first consultation meeting, in which teams of clinicians, researchers and industry representatives collaborated to produce some preliminary scenarios.

The report from this exercise is currently being produced, and once this is complete, we will disseminate a shortlist of scenarios, which can then be improved with feedback from the research, clinical and industrial communities.

Date: 20/05/2013 | Tag: | News: 34 of 1651
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