Digital Twins at the European Respiratory Society’s Lung Science Conference 2024

Every year, the ERS organizes its Lung Science conference in the beautiful Estorill (PT), including in the program one keynote on an emerging topic that is deemed important for the community. This year, that topic was Digital Twins.
Lies Geris

The Lung Science Conference (LSC) is at the forefront of basic and translational respiratory science; it is an essential event for budding respiratory researchers looking to boost their career. It offers a unique opportunity to network with peers from across the globe and presents cutting-edge science and novel experimental lung research. The programme consists of presentations delivered by experts, young investigators, oral presentations and poster sessions based on abstract submissions. Special features for early-career delegates will be organised, including a session on 'Successfully funding your future research' and the annual mentorship programme. In a setting designed to foster interactions, participants benefit from: cutting-edge scientific sessions, access to international experts and the possibility to submit abstracts for presentation and discussion.

This year, VPHi’s executive director and coordinator of the EDITH CSA, Liesbet Geris, was invited to speak about the possibilities that digital twins offer to personalize medicine. Starting from an explanation of terminology (digital twins, in silico medicine etc), Liesbet discussed past and ongoing efforts on clinical stakeholder engagement. She then continued with an overview of the EDITH CSA actions and activities, focusing on the clinical perspective and value proposition. The lively discussion showed the clear interested and engagement of the scientific and clinical community to further their understanding and interactions with digital twins and the Virtual Human Twin initiative.

Slides and video replay are available on the website of ERS


Lies Geris

Date: 02/04/2024 | Tag: | News: 1569 of 1651
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