Contribute to make in silico medicine a reality: join our working groups

Have an active role and collaborate with the key experts in in silico medicine to bring in silico medicine to the next level!

The Avicenna Alliance (AA) is a global association of organisations, having a commercial or research interest in the development, adoption and deployment of in silico medicine to ensure safe, affordable and cost-efficient healthcare. The AA academic membership is represented by the VPH Institute. Thanks to this strategic asset, the VPHi can offer all its members the opportunity to access and contribute to all the Avicenna Allianceā€™s activities.

Collaboration among AA members takes place through the participation of different working groups, where members share their knowledge and expertise, writing white papers, publishing case studies, organising events and establishing collaborations with regulators and policy makers all over the world.

Get an overview of the 3 working groups and related task forces, download our brochure.

All VPHi members can contribute to these important activities. If you want to get involved, contact

Date: 27/09/2022 | Tag: | News: 1363 of 1651
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