Commission launches call for experts

The European Commission has launched a call for membership of their Scientific Committees.
Scientific Committees

The goal of these committees is to provide high quality independent advice to the European Commission to advise their decision making processes and policies. VPH Members with expertise in areas listed below should consider this call carefully.

Two of the Committees, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) an the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCEER) are seeking applicants in the following areas:


biological  sciences, chemistry, epidemiology,  exposure  sciences, toxicology (alternative methods,  endocrine  disruptors, genotoxicity,  carcinogenicity, reproductive  toxicity, toxicogenetics, reproduction toxicity), medicine(respiratory, dermatology, allergies-skin and inhalation-,neurology,pathology,pharmacology  and  pharmacy  (analytical  methodologies), nanoscience, medical technologies, biostatistics or  other similar scientific  disciplines as  better  specified  in  the  application form, with a focus on cosmetic ingredients' safety assessment


biological  sciences,  chemistry,  environmental  sciences, epidemiology,  exposure  sciences, medical  technologies,  medicine  (respiratory  medicine,  dermatology,  neurology,  clinical  trials, oncology, reproductive  medicine),  nanoscience,  pharmacology  and  pharmacy,  physics and  physical risks, public  health,  toxicology  (endocrine  disruption,  genotoxicity,  toxicogenetics,  reproduction toxicity, ecotoxicology, aquatic toxicology), biostatistics or other similar scientific disciplines as better specified in the application form, with a focus on health, environmental and emerging risks.

The deadline for applications is 02 November 2015.

An explanatory leaflet of this call can be found here.

The full call text, which includes eligibility criteria and assessment criteria can be found here.

The application portal is available here.


Scientific Committees

Date: 05/10/2015 | Tag: | News: 411 of 1651
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