Cluster hire to build a group in mathematical modeling of complex biosystems

Both tenured associate professor and and tenure-track assistant professor positions available.

The Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Biology and Medicine, University of California, Riverside, directed by Prof. Mark Alber, has two Assistant Professor and one Associate Professor position available.

UCR is a research university which is currently going through rapid transformation and is pursuing an extensive cluster hiring effort. It also recently established a medical school.

In particular, UCR has just released through the AP Recruit ads for positions at the Assistant Professor Level:

and Associate Professor Level: 

Applications are welcome from those with strong interdisciplinary background in any area of mathematical biology. Preference will be given to applicants developing and using methods of (1) Stochastic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification and (2) Multi-scale Mathematical and Computational modeling with applications to (1) Cellular Regulatory Networks, (2) Developmental Systems, (3) Host-pathogen interaction systems, and (4) Biomedical systems including cardio-vascular blood clotting.

Additional information can be found here

Date: 16/11/2016 | Tag: | News: 527 of 1643
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