Call for student / young ambassadors at ICT 2013

Are you a young researcher in ICT-related field, or considering a career in ICT related research and innovation? Would you like to learn about the next directions of ICT research in Europe and meet ICT innovators, researchers and entrepreneurs? Apply to become a student / young ambassador at ICT 2013!

The ICT2013 Conference will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 6-8 November 2013. It will bring together Europe's best and brightest in ICT research, with new and old businesses, web start-ups and digital strategists to chart a path for Europe's ICT research policy. The ICT 2013 event will also be the first opportunity to learn the details of research funding for ICT-related projects under Horizon 2020. Around 4.500 participants are expected.

The ICT2013 Organizing Committee would like to encourage young researchers to participate in this event, to come together with ICT researchers, businesses, entrepreneurs, and strategy makers, so that the young and the experienced innovators can learn from each other and share ideas.  

The conference is likely to be attended by academies and research centres, which are employing young researchers, and talented doctoral, postdoctoral and post-graduate students. There are also specific activities through which these young people would contribute to the conference and they will be provided with a personal certificate for their contribution to this conference. 

The criteria for being selected are the following:

  • Status as a researcher, PhD student, postdoctoral student, or post-graduate student
  • Max age: 30 years old
  • Excellent written skills and good oral communication skills in English
  • Motivation, interest, and knowledge of topics relating to the ICT2013 event
  • Interesting points suggested for discussion with conference delegates and high-level representatives
  • Proved social media management experience is a plus (E.g.: Blogging, Twitter, Facebook etc.) for specific tasks

Please note that participation of female young researchers and young attendants from the recently joined Member States is particularly encouraged. The selected students will have free entrance to the conference venue; however their travel and accommodation should be covered by the project budget.

The following link gives more information of the planned activities for ICT2013 student/young ambassadors and the online application form to be submitted by the young researchers themselves:


WHO: Are you an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) student or young researcher?

WHERE: The ICT2013 Conference ( is an opportunity for you: The biggest ICT event in Europe in Vilnius on 6-8 November, 2013

WHAT: Would you like to become an ambassador for the ICT 2013 conference? Click here to apply

WHEN: before 5 June 2013!

SO WHAT: make work experience, report about ICT2013 online, and meet high-level policy makers: Digital champions, Young advisors, top researchers, and successful entrepreneurs!



Date: 04/06/2013 | Tag: | News: 163 of 1651
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