Call for papers for our special issue "VPH in clinical practice"

Special VPH issue in the ‘Morphologie Journal’ to present in silico medicine applications that have hit the clinics.

The VPH institute is collecting a number of review/prospective papers, discussing specific examples of in silico medicine already applied in the clinical practice. These papers will be published as a special issue in the ‘Morphologie Journal’ as well as re-edited by the VPH institute and used in its promotional activities toward clinicians, patient organisations as well as policy makers. 

The Morphologie is a scientific and medical journal by Elsevier, written both in French and in English, which addresses the teachers, the students, the researchers and the clinicians in morphological sciences (anatomy, histology, embryology, morphogenesis, anthropology, cytology, cytogenetics, biology of the reproduction and the development).This journal collects the most current developments of the speciality.

The special issue will start with a general introduction to computer modeling & simulation with some basic mathematics that will be tailored to the needs of the other papers in the issue. This will be followed by papers describing technological advances that have made it to the clinical practice, grouped per organ system (cardio, liver, skin etc), paying special attention to the assumptions, limitations and the basic mechanisms underlying the models.  Clinicians are the main target audience of the special issue. 

If you are interested in contributing to this special issues, please send an email to  

Quick guidelines:  2750-4500 words (6-10 printed pages w/o figures), max 60 references, in English.

Timeline: Deadline for first submission is end of March 2019.

Date: 16/07/2018 | Tag: | News: 818 of 1643
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