Call for Best VPHi Student award 2024

Application deadline 31 July 2024

The “Best VPHi student award” aims to reward the outstanding work submitted by VPHi student members to the VPHi Conference. The award consists of a certificate and money price of €500. An ad hoc award committee will be established, chaired by Jerome Noailly (UPF) from the VPHi student committee.

Application deadline 31 July 2024!

Participation rules:

All the VPHi student members that have been selected for an oral presentation at the VPH2024 conference are eligible for participation. In addition, each student will have to send:

  • a brief curriculum vitae
  • a statement signed electronically by the student’s supervisor that the applicant is a deserving candidate and has not obtained a doctorate at the time of the Conference
  • a copy of the accepted abstract for VPH2024

This information will have to be sent by email to: The evaluation will be based on the quality of the abstract and of the presentation given at the conference.

Are you a VPHi student member?

You are considered a rightful student member:

1. if you are affiliated to either an ordinary or a supporting member and you have activated your VPHi membership account.

  • This is completely free of charge and will give you the opportunity to be included in our member-only mailing list, so that you will be kept informed and be able to take advantage of all the initiatives available for our members (awards, discounts, events...) If you still haven't done it, please register from here:

2. if you have already applied for a student membership and paid your membership fee for 2024 (check you personal area by logging in here)

For any further questions, please contact

Date: 18/12/2023 | Tag: | News: 1526 of 1651
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