Best VPHi Student Award

The VPH Institute has instituted the “Best VPHi student award” that will be awarded for the first time during the VPH2018 conference in Zaragoza (5-7 September 2018).

The goal of this initiative is to reward the outstanding work submitted by VPHi student members to the VPH Conference. The award consists of a money price of 500 €.

A dedicated award committee, composed by both academia and hospital representatives, will be established, chaired by Jerome Noially (UPF), from the VPHi student committee.

Participation rules:

All the VPHi student members that have been selected for an oral presentation at the VPH2018 conference are eligible for participation. In addition, each student will have to send a brief curriculum vitae and a statement signed electronically by the student’s supervisor that the applicant is a deserving candidate and will still be a doctoral student at the time of the Conference. This information will have to be sent by email to: The evaluation will be based on the quality of the abstract and of the presentation given at the conference.

Are you a VPHi student member?

You are considered a rightful student member, if you:

1. Are affiliated to either an ordinary or a supporting member. Please check if your institution is in the list:

2. Have already applied for a student membership. Your name in this case should appear here:

If you are not a member yet and you wish to apply now, the VPHi student membership comes at a symbolic cost of 10 € per year. Please fill up this form to process your application: any further questions, please contact


The application should be sent by 15 August 2018

You can download the participation rules from here

Date: 12/07/2018 | Tag: | News: 811 of 1651
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