3000 reads on ResearchGate for the Avicenna Roadmap

Since its official publication back in early 2016 the Avicenna Roadmap reached a massive distribution.

The Roadmap "in silico Clinical Trials: How Computer Simulation will Transform the Biomedical Industry" was one of the major outputs of the Avicenna project. This 2 year CSA funded by DG Connect ran from Oct 2013 to Sept 2015 with the participation of the VPHi together with University of Sheffield, Linkeus and Obsidian.

Through a number of meetings, the project explored for the first time how computer simulations could be used to improve clinical trials of drugs, devices and biotechnology products. The roadmap presented the complex debate captured during the consultation meetings and identified specific recommendations to bring this technology into a next level.

3 years from the official publication of the report on ResearchGate in January 2016 the roadmap demonstrated to have had a strong impact on the research community, being read by 3000 researchers.

Alongside the roadmap delivery, the VPHi was also able to accomplish a second important task: the establishment of a pre-competitive industry- academia association focused on increasing the collaboration between academia and industries to ensure a faster adoption track of VPH research technologies. Now the Avicenna Alliance is a reality, in the form of a researcher and industry partnership with 50% academic membership of the VPHi and 50% representation of the medical devices, pharmaceuticals and software industries and it is successfully driving the implementation of the Avicenna project vision into an industrial reality!

As Avicenna project coordinator and strong supporter of in silico medicine research I want to acknowledge the importance of community efforts in general, the work of the VPH Institute in particular had in transforming in silico medicine from a vision of a few academics in 2005 to the industrial and healthcare reality that is today“ said VPHi President Prof Marco Viceconti.

For further information, the Avicenna roadmap can be found here

Date: 08/11/2018 | Tag: | News: 867 of 1651
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