2021 VPHi's Board of Directors first meeting

On March 17th the new VPHi Board of Directors met online. Two new members joined the board.

These board members will give guidance to the Institute in the coming years, together with our Executive Director, Liesbet Geris, whose mandate was extended by 2 years. The composition is the following:

  • University of Auckland represented by Poul Nielsen
  • University of Sheffield represented by Andrew Narracott

  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology represented by Leif Rune Hellevik

  • Saarland University represented by Norbert Graf

  • University of Luxembourg represented by Reinhard Schneider

  • GOSH - UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science represented by Claudio Capelli

  • Agency of Quality and Health Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS) represented by Rossana Alessandrello

  • INRIA represented by Irene Vignon-Clementel

  • University of Amsterdam, Computational Science represented by Alfons Hoekstra

  • University of Bologna represented by Marco Viceconti

  • KU Leuven represented by Ilse Jonkers

The supporting members institutions which now have a seat in the VPH Institute Board of Directors (BoD) are those organizations who participated to the call for supporting members at the end of 2020 and agreed to sustain the Institute finance paying a €9000 quota.

What are these Institutions and who represents them?

The Board of Directors is composed by 11 Institutions that excel worldwide for their research quality, and are actively involved in VPH, most of them being partners on VPH funded research projects.

Some of the Institutions were already members of the Board of Directors from last year and decided to keep their guidance role for the upcoming year too, some others recently joined the Institute and are ready to fresh start their collaboration bringing in their expertise and motivation.

Date: 19/04/2021 | Tag: | News: 1195 of 1651
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