2019 INFO-DAY - Ensuring Excellent Research by Investing in Researchers' Talents, Skills & Career Development

When: 29/01/2019 - 29/01/2019
Where: Brussels, Belgium

The 2019 Infoday on Ensuring Excellent Research by Investing in Researchers Talents, Skills and Career Development organised by the European Commission will take place in Brussels on 29 January 2019. This event will be dedicated to the implementation of the Human Resources Strategy in order to comply with article 32 of Horizon 2020 multi-beneficiary grant agreement and will bring forward policy issues related to skills and talent management in Open Science environment closely linked to the European Framework for Research Careers.

Article 32 article of the grant contracts within Horizon 2020, stipulates how beneficiaries must take necessary measures in order to implement the principles of the Letter for researchers and the Conduct Code to hire researchers, the so called 'European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchersā€™ (C&C).

This event is addressed to 'newcomer' universities, research institutions and research funders investing in researchersā€™ talents, skills and career development by implementing the 40 principles of the C&C. It also addresses beneficiaries and potential applicants of H2020 contracts/projects who have to comply with article 32.

Should you be interested in participating to the info day, registrations can be done here.

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