Experimental Biology Meeting
When: 21/04/2018 - 25/04/2018 | Where: San Diego - California
Abstract deadline: 7 December 2017
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Shaping Europe’s Digital Future – Bulgarian Presidency event on High Performance Computing
When: 18/04/2018 - 18/04/2018 | Where: Sofia - Bulgaria
Registration deadline: 9 April 2018
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UK Conference on Multiscale Biology
When: 16/04/2018 - 18/04/2018 | Where: Nottingham, U.K.
This international meeting is part of, and supported by, the BBSRC-funded UK Multi-Scale Biology Network and aims to bring together scientists addressing multiscale phenomena across a range of biological systems, and crossing spatial scales from …
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Biodynamics 2018 Conference
When: 12/04/2018 - 13/04/2018 | Where: Royal College of Physicians, London - U.K.
Early bird deadline: 1st March 2018
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Have you met your digital twin?
When: 12/04/2018 - 12/04/2018 | Where: Webinar
From 17.00 to 18 CET
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CMBBE 2018
When: 26/03/2018 - 29/03/2018 | Where: Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon - Portugal
The 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and the 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization will be held in the wonderful City of Lisbon, a historical city full of stories to tell.
The two …
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