Giulia Luraghi from Politecnico of Milans wins the Best VPHi Student Award

For the first time the VPHi assigned a €500 prize for the best work submitted for the VPH2018 conference by a VPHi PhD Student.
Awards  - Best VPHi student

The outcome of the best VPHi student award competition was announced at the gala dinner of the VPH2018 conference in Zaragoza. The award committee, chaired by Jerome Noailly (UPF) from the VPHi student committee, and composed by both academia and hospital representatives, based their evaluation on the following criteria:

  1. Challenge
  2. Effective level of achievement
  3. Clarity of the presentation
  4. Timing of the presentation
Out of the submitted dossiers, 5 finalists were initially selected:
  • Mirko Bonfanti - University College London
  • Morgan Germain - University of Liege
  • Hector Martinez - Navarro - University of Oxford
  • Fernando Perez Boerema - KU Leuven 
  • Giulia Luraghi - Politecnico of Milan

After having carefully evaluated their presentations at the conference, the committee awarded Giulia Luraghi for her outstanding work titled: "A patient-specific fluid-structure interaction analysis of TAVI procedure".

"I'm really proud to have received the award! It was my first experience in a VPH conference. I found it really interesting and effective, with many research fields, clinical applications and also an insight into the industry scenario. I would like to thank the award committee and my supervisors Prof. Francesco Migliavacca and Prof. José Félix Rodriguez Matas." says Giulia

Many congratulations from the VPHi community!


Awards  - Best VPHi student

Date: 17/09/2018 | Tag: | News: 833 of 1619
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