From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe: “Evolution, not revolution”

In an recent interview, Jean-Eric Paquet explained the structure of the next Framework Programme (FP9).

Jean-Eric Paquet, the recently appointed Commission’s Director-General for Research and Innovation, explained that the structure of the next Framework Programme (FP9) will be based on the mantra “evolution, not revolution” – a mantra that is well illustrated by the name of this new the programme: Horizon Europe.

The overall FP9 structure, that is currently being defined, is largely based on the existing structure of Horizon 2020 and on the recommendations of the “Lamy report” by the independent High-Level Group on maximising the impact of EU Research & Innovation programmes chaired by Pascal Lamy.

The research programme will be structured around an extremely strong science pillar, largely based on the European Research Council, “which is clearly one of the successes of the framework programme and European research more generally” Mr. Paquet said. The Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions will also continue as well as infrastructure funding as “there is a very high European added-value in this science pillar of Horizon 2020 and of the future framework programme”.

Although most of the programme has already been outlined by the Commission services, a key element of the discussions that will be held in the coming weeks is the overall budget. The three scenarios are €80 billion, €120 billion or €160 billion, in comparison with the current €77 billion seven-year Horizon 2020.

Beyond the budget discussions, Mr. Paquet believes that the EU still needs to look into ways where the European structural funds can effectively complement the framework programme to help all Member States to build up their capacity.

For more information, please find the full interview here and Commissioner Moedas’ blog post here.

Date: 03/05/2018 | Tag: | News: 776 of 1619
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