CASyM research exchange grants in Systems Medicine

Step 1 deadline: 16 November 2015

CASyM is opening up to 5 research exchange grants for research collaboration in systems medicine projects between CASyM partners and associates. The aim is to support research exchange of doctoral fellows and post-docs in complementary fields of systems medicine provided by the hosting CASyM institutions. The call is divided in two steps. 

In Step 1 the CASyM and associate partners who are willing to accept fellows apply with a research theme and expertise offered to exchange fellows (from CASyM partners or associates). A CASyM working group will evaluate submitted applications and work out a priority list.

In Step 2 exchange fellows will apply for the opened positions from step 1. Hosting institutions/supervisors and the CASyM working group will evaluate submitted applications and work out a second priority list for each opened position. 

The maximum amount of the exchange grant will depend on the hosting country but cannot exceed 5.000 €. The envisioned exchange period is 1 – 3 months between January 2016 and October 2016. Eligible expenses are travel, living and lodging. Salary and materials are not eligible costs. 

Applications for Step 1 should include: 

  • Name of the receiving/host institution: CASyM or associated partner (please write host institution and supervisor ́s full address)
  • Title of the collaborative work
  • A project description (max 1.000 words)
  • The expected duration of the research exchange (1 – 3 months)

Application deadline:

Send your applications until Monday, November 16, 2015 to:

  • and/or

More information can be found here



Date: 03/11/2015 | Tag: | News: 425 of 1619
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